You are here: Purchasing > Landed Cost > Using Landed Cost > Add Remove Purchase Orders

add remove purchase orders

Provided an Import Cost line has not been invoiced, changes to the apportionment can be done at any time. Purchase orders can be added and removed from the cost.


1. Untick the field Apportioned against the line to the changed
2. Click search arrow against Apportioned on Purchase Orders to load the purchase order dialog box
3. Set tick boxes on the Apportion field as needed
4. Tick the field Apportioned against the line being changed
5. Repeat for other costs
6. Save changes

If stock has already been booked in, then a journal is created as the stock is re-valued. If stock is yet to be booked in, there is no journal and just the Landed Unit Cost and Landed Cost Line Total details are changed

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